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Metroid Prime Remastered
You know what they say? Gotta get grappled someday.
Metroid Prime Remastered
I can't possible mess this up. Enjoy!
Metroid Prime Remastered
There's NO way I would ever be punished for not saving...right?
Metroid Prime Remastered
I give you guys a solid lesson on using your time wisely.
Metroid Prime Remastered
I never want to see another piece of sand again.
Metroid Prime Remastered
This is one of the most insane SHIFTS in a video game I have ever played.
Metroid Prime Remastered
We find ourselves in the tundra, in the lava, in a MAZE.
Metroid Prime Remastered
That's right - even on this planet, plants LOVE sunlight!
Metroid Prime Remastered
It's such a TOUGH life having NO BOMBS.
Metroid Prime Remastered
A classic start - showing us our peak, and STRIPPING us of it all.
Fire Emblem Engage | Maddening Classic Playthrough
The seven bracelets in one hand - power is granted and our journey ends.
Fire Emblem Engage | Maddening Classic Playthrough
We learn more truth about these Fell Twins.
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If you're looking to pick up a SPICY cagelocke shirt, or any shirts from TeamShiny.com, here's your coupon code! You have to see this coupon code.
Alright, this poll IS going to include some very long games. So PLEASE know that every vote matters! I'll go with whatever has the most, and I'm sure we'll tackle the "losers" in futures polls! :]
Cast your votes, leave your comments. These are taken from the top recent suggestions and maybe one or two past ones! There's not many Fire Emblem games left that I haven't played, and I wanted to keep this poll all games that I haven't played for fresh, genuine reactions! I think Sacred Stones might be the only one I haven't played? And then there's some that I played and didn't finish.
Hey guys! We got a few solid suggestions on the last episode of Hyrule Warriors, HOWEVER, a lot of people said I should make a post so that even those who weren't checking Hyrule Warriors can leave some suggestions. SO, do that here! We'll have a poll on Wednesday with the top suggestions! :]
SO, if you're a regular here on shadypenguinn.com, the title to this blog post isn't going to make much sense! But this is really here for anyone from our YouTube channel, as we're starting our new Nuzlocke over there, and over here! :] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SO, I haven't uploaded on YouTube since October, a real gaming video, anyway. Why is that? Well, the short story is that Let's Plays are completely dead on YouTube. They don't get
Hey all! We're gearing up to start the next playthrough, AND I NEED YOUR COMMENTS. Originally when I started this premium content journey, it was because I wanted the freedom to play the games I wanted without having to bend to YouTube's algorithm in order to survive financially. You guys gave me the honor of doing just that. However, at this current point in time, even if this website lost all of it's members, I would be financially stable, and I cannot thank you guys enough for that. BUT DO
Hey guys. This weekend was extremely full. My original intent was to get videos, or at least one, up today, but I have some more running around to do, to help bring some supplies to my loved one who is currently in hospital...
Man, this week has been such an intense one on this end. I'm currently out of the house and haven't gotten to record today's videos, so chances are I'm gonna be dropping the ball today and we'll be back tomorrow for our regular videos...